Management of Early Blight

It is difficult to secure a good control of early blight and leaf spots. The following steps can help in reducing incidence of these leaf spots:

1.      The crop must be given a balanced dose of fertilizers, especially nitrogen.

2.      The crop sprayed with 1.0% urea at 45 days and given one additional spray after 8-10 days may easily escape the severe onslaught of early blight and leaf spots.

3.      Fungicidal sprays are effective in controlling early blight and other leaf spots.  In hills, copper fungicides including Bordeaux mixture (1.0%) and copper oxychloride (0.3%), recommended for control of late blight, can take care of early blight and leaf spots.

4.      Cultivation of Solanaceous crops, being collateral hosts in nearby potato fields must be avoided.

