Vectors of the viruses

Weather parameters particularly temperature has a great role in determining the vector activity, and has been used to forecast the appearance of the vector particularly aphids. Dates of haulm killing in seed crop in India are announced based on the periodic survey of the appearance and buildup of aphids.  The likely date of appearance of the vector in the potato crop helps grower to decide whether to protect the crop with insecticide or not.  If early appearance is expected, seed crop is protected from vector with insecticidal sprays.  Insecticide application is particularly effective in the control of PLRV which needs long acquisition and inoculation access periods.  For the effective control of non-persistently transmitted viruses like PVA, PVY, PVM, PVV, etc., an insecticide with a very quick knock down effect is needed so that the vector is killed before it moves to another plant. Application of granular insecticides in the soil at the time of earthing up has also proved effective in the control of PLRV.
