Insect Pests of Potato and Their Integrated Management

Potato is an important cash crop in India which is grown in an area of about 1.83 million hectares. With an annual production of 37.3 million tones, India ranked second in world potato production during 2010-2011. Potato is supposed to be the only food crop that fulfills almost all the valuable criteria for a good food and offers a potential for increasing food production and income for the country. It is hoped that by the year 2020, the annual production of potato in the country would be 49 million ton, the area will be doubled and average yield will increase to 24.5 ton/ ha. This could be achieved by use of input- efficient high yielding cultivars, appropriate agro-techniques and plant protection measures and ensuring availability of quality seed. Insect pest menace is the major factor that destabilizes potato crop productivity. The greatest diversity of insect pests attacking potato is found in India. Insect pests damage the potato plant by feeding on leaves thus reducing photosynthesis efficiency, by attacking the stems thus weakening the plant and inhibiting growth of potato tubers, and by feeding on the tubers.

Accordingly potato pests are grouped into:

1. Sap feeders or sucking pests

2. Foliage feeders or defoliators

3. Soil pests

4. Storage pest

5. Nematode pests

Potato pests are generally managed conventionally by the application of pesticides which have adverse effects on the agricultural ecosystems, therefore, at present it is a thrust area to search and evaluate management methods which are safe, organic and eco-friendly, therefore, in this bulletin, an attempt has been made to develop integrated pest management tactics against each insect pest through eco-friendly methods with the least and need based use of insecticides.