SOIL PESTS                           2. White Grub (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)                  BACK


1. Cut worms (Lepidoptera:  Noctuidae)


Species complex

Agrotis segetum1wwwi) Agrotis segetum Schiff (black cut worm)

 ii) A. ipsilon (Hfn) (greasy cut worm)

iii) A. flammatra Schiff

iv) A. interacta Wlk.

v) A. spinnifera (Hb.)







                        Agrotis segetum



Distribution: Cosmopolitan, present throughout world. In India cut worms are more serious in northern region than in south.












Agrotis ipsilon


Host range: Polyphagous



Nature of damage and symptoms:










                    Typical cutworm damage













                Cut worm larvae in soil


Life cycle:




                                    Figure: Life cycle of cutworms.




Management of cut worms:










                                    Light trap