b)         Beetles/ Weevils and their young ones         2. Flea beetles: Psylloides spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)            BACK

1.         1.  Hadda beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

Species complex

i ) Epilachna ocellata Redtenbacher

ii) E. vigintioctopuntata (Fabricius)


    E. vigintioctopuntata                                                E. ocellata


Distribution: Throughout India.


Host Range: Potato, tomato, brinjal, datura, many other Solanum sp. and occasionally on cucurbits.

Nature of damage and symptoms:

•         E. ocellata causes severe damage to the potato crop in the higher hilly regions of India, whereas, E. vigintioctopunctata is restricted to plains and mid-hills.

•         Both the adults and grubs voraciously feed on the leaves by scrapping the chlorophyll resulting in skeletonizing of foliage.

•         The leaves present a lace –like appearance; turn brown, dries up and fall off.

•         In the years of severe attack, the crop gets completely defoliated.



•         Eggs are elongate yellow coloured.

•         The grubs are about 6 mm, yellow, with six rows branched spines.

•         Beetles measure about 8 to 9 mm in length and 5 to 6mm in breadth.

•         E. vigintioctopunctata beetles are deep copper coloured having 14 black spots on each elytron, whereas E. ocellata have 6 spots on each elytron.  



        Hadda beetle eggs Grub of Hadda beetle


Life cycle:

•         The incubation  period is  2- 3days

•         Larval  period  is  14-18 days

•         Pre-pupal  period is 1-2  days

•         Pupal period 4-5 days.

•         Pre-oviposition period is 5-6 days

•         Oviposition period is about 40-50 days

•         Post-oviposition period is 10 days

•         Adult longevity is 60-65 days (male) and 65-70 days (female)

•         Several generations from March to October.


                                        Figure: Life cycle of hadda beetles