b)         Beetles/ Weevils and their young ones         1. Hadda beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)         BACK


2. Flea beetles: Psyllodes spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

Distribution: Cosmopolitan.                 







                        Psyllodes spp.


Host Range: Potatoes, tomatoes, turnip and eggplant.


Nature of damage and symptoms:







                        Flea beetles in potato









                    Flea beetles grub


Life cycle:

·         Eggs (50- 80 creamy white eggs per female) are laid in the soil at the base of plants (Fig below).

·         From the eggs cylindrical, brown-headed, white larvae (grub) hatch in 5-10 days that are about 1/5 inch long when full grown, molts thrice.

·         The pupal stage (8-14 days) is spent in the soil in an earthen cell 0.5 mm long.

·         These insect over-winters as adults in trash around field borders and in ditch banks. 7-8 generations per year.















                                                    Figure: Life cycle of flea beetles