Other Lepidopteran pests of minor importance for potato crop:
4. Bihar hairy caterpillar: Spilosoma obliqua Walker
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
5. Army worms: Mythimna separata Walker
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
6. Brinjal Shoot and Fruit borer: Leucinodes orbonalis
Guen. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Life cycle
female may lay 300 eggs in clusters covered with brown hair.
Eggs hatch in 3-5 days.
Larvae become full fed in
15-30 days
Pupal period is 7-15 days.
Adult longevity is 7-10 days
Total life cycle is
completed in 32-60 days.
8 overlapping generations in
a year.
Most congenial temperature
range for lepidopteran development is 18-30˚C.

Figure: Life cycle of lepidopterans
Management of caterpillars:
Clean cultivation to expose the larvae
to natural enemies, deep summer ploughing to expose the pupae to the sunlight
and natural enemies.
Hand picking and destruction of egg
masses and early gregarious instars. African marigold as trap crop for H.
Installation of pheromone traps (5
traps/ha) for monitoring and mass trapping of adult moths.
Spray of Helicoverpa nuclear
polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) or Spodoptera nuclear polyhedrosis virus
SlNPV @ 250 larval equivalent/ha at weekly intervals against Helicoverpa
and Spodoptera.
Application of Bt formulation @ 3gm/litre
of water.
Release of egg parasitoid,
Trichogramma brasiliensis @ 250000 /ha during high adult activity.
Spray of neem seed kernel extract (NSKE)
@ 4.0 % at early growth stage of the crop.
Need based spray of Cypermethrin 25EC @
0.30ml or Deltamethrin 28EC @ 0.1ml/lit of water when 2 larvae are seen per 10