We present a resource of high quality list of functionally related genes from Phytophthora
infestans, Streptomyces spp., Fusarium sambucinum and potato viruses (PVA, PVY, PVX &
PAMV) based on molecular (kinases, transcription factors, etc.), cellular (autophagy, signal
transduction) and structural functions. Functionality to genes have been assigned using Mpi
Blast and mapping tools while GO annotation (molecular function, biological process and
cellular component) was done with Blast2go software. The genome sequences of these
pathogens facilitate insights into the large repertoire of proteins involved in the host-pathogen
interactions. Annotation of gene groups is an ongoing effort and scientific need will typically
drive decisions regarding which gene lists to pursue. Results may lead to insight into how
better these pathogens can be managed. The goal of the database is to provide an informative,
readily accessible, single location for basic information on a broad range of important disease
causing agents.